What is the "Support Security Phrase"? Print

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EntirelyDigital has implemented a "Support Security Phrase" as part of our Customer Portal and support policies to safeguard our customers' data and services. It is an essential component of our protocols, offering a robust layer of security and trust with our customers.

Here's why it's important:

  1. Enhanced Security: In an era where personal information is constantly at risk of being compromised, a Support Security Phrase provides an additional layer of security. It ensures that sensitive information and account access are only provided to individuals who can correctly identify themselves with the phrase, thereby reducing the risk of fraud and identity theft.

  2. Protection Against Social Engineering Attacks: Social engineering attacks are sophisticated tactics used by fraudsters to trick individuals into giving away confidential information. By requiring a Support Security Phrase, companies make it significantly harder for these attackers to impersonate legitimate customers, as they would need to know this specific, predetermined phrase that is not easily guessed or found.

  3. Quick and Efficient Customer Verification: Traditional verification methods can be time-consuming, requiring customers to remember and provide multiple pieces of personal information. A Support Security Phrase streamlines the process, allowing for quicker verification and reducing the time customers spend waiting to receive support.

  4. Personalization and Trust: By setting up a unique Support Security Phrase, customers can feel a more personal connection to the service, knowing that their phrase is uniquely theirs. This personalized approach can enhance trust, as customers see that the company takes proactive steps to protect their privacy and security.

  5. Compliance with Privacy Regulations: With increasing regulations around data protection and privacy, such as GDPR in Europe, using a Support Security Phrase can help companies comply with legal requirements. It demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding customer information by ensuring that only the account holder or those with the security phrase can access or make changes to the account.

  6. Customer Peace of Mind: Knowing that a company uses a Support Security Phrase can give customers peace of mind, reassuring them that their accounts and personal information are protected. This sense of security can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

How is the Support Security Phrase used?

The Support Security Phrase is a word, expression or other word-based challenge of your choosing. By providing us with a phrase, we can ensure that you are indeed the authorized contact for the customer account. For example, if we are in contact with you over the phone, or any other unsecured method, you might be prompted for the Support Security Phrase. We suggest that you use a phrase that is unique but easy to remember so that you can provide it to us when most needed.

How to Manage your Support Security Phrase

Set up your Support Security Phrase. The phrase is set for your account, shared by all users or contacts. The Support Security Phrase can be set by following these steps:

  • Visit the Customer Portal "Account Details" (link) page.
  • On this form, enter your Support Security Phrase in the related field, and then click 'Save Changes'

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