Manually Register Backup Agent Print

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You have successfully installed a Backup Agent, but registration failed and machine does not appear in the Protection console.

Or you need to re-register a client machine to another Backup Account.


Use this method to manually register a Backup Agent.

Note that account name and password used in the commands are for backup user account, not for Partner-level admin

Use quotation marks, if your password contains special characters or spaces.

Windows OS

  1. Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool:
    cd "%ProgramFiles%\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool"
  2. Issue this command to register the client machine using account and password:

    register_agent.exe -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>

    where -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account.

    or issue this command to register the client machine using registration token:
    "C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool\register_agent.exe" -a --token <token> -o register -t cloud

Linux OS

  1. Open terminal as root user.
  2. Type in the following command to register the agent using account and password:
    /usr/lib/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>

    where -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account.

    or execute the following command to register the client machine using registration token:
    /usr/lib/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent -o register -t cloud -a --token <token>


  1. Open terminal.
  2. Execute the following command to register the client machine using account and password:
    sudo "/Library/Application Support/BackupClient/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent" -o register -t cloud -a -u <account> -p <password>

    where -u <account> -p <password> are login and password for backup user account.

    or execute the following command to register the client machine using registration token:
    sudo "/Library/Application Support/BackupClient/Acronis/RegisterAgentTool/RegisterAgent" -o register -t cloud -a --token <token>


If you want-to re-register Agent from one Backup Account to another, and the operation fails, try unregistering the Agent first:

  1. Open Command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool:
    cd "%ProgramFiles%\BackupClient\RegisterAgentTool"
  2. Issue this command to unregister the client machine:

    register_agent.exe -o unregister

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