How do I install a SSL certificate? Print

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Cpanel accounts all use AUTOSSL to provide free, 90 day, auto-renewed SSL certificates which are valid for all host names in DNS. If you require a certificate from another certification authority, please follow these procedures for setting up a SSL certificate within your cpanel account;

1) Login to cpanel interface

2) Click on SSL/TLS Manager

3) Generate your Private Key. It is recommended to use 2048 bits or greater.
(click on the link Generate, view, upload, or delete your private keys)

4) Once the key has been generated, you can generate your csr.

5) Click on Generate, view, or delete SSL certificate signing requests.

6) Once the csr has been generated you can provide this csr to your SSL certificate authority

7) Once the ssl certificate has been obtained from your ssl authority, please open a support ticket and paste the ssl cert within the ticket for sysadmin installation.

8) The sysadmins will install your cert, setup the dedicated ip address and advise once completed.

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